12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Материал опубликовала
Архипова Алина Викторовна14571
Учитель английского языка.
Россия, Смоленская обл., Сафоново
Материал размещён в группе «В помощь учителю английского языка»

I вариант

Task 1. Read the text and choose true or false.

Divided by a Common Language.

It’s not a secret that British English is quite different from American English. Let’s have a look at some of these differences!

In speech, Americans sometimes specify the country in which well-known cities are located and say Paris, France or Rome, Italy rather than Just Paris or Rome. This may be in order to avoid confusion, since many towns in the US have been named after European cities.

The Brits clean their teeth, whereas the Americans brush their teeth. Teeth cleaning in the US is done at the dentist’s office.

The word café in American English can mean “nightclub” as well as “coffee shop”.

If used in the plural the word guy can refer to men and women in the US.

In the US, the floor of a building level with the ground is known as the first floor; in Britain it is called the ground floor. What is known is the US as the second floor is called the first floor in Britain; the third floor in the US is called the second floor in Britain.

Americans will often say “two times” rather that “twice”, as in “We saw the show two times”.

The date on a form of a letter in Britain is expressed by putting the day, the month, then the year (14 February 2014). In the US the month comes first, followed by the day and then the year (February 14, 2014).

Hours and minutes are divided by a full stop in Britain, but by a colon in the US (9:30 a.m. in the US , 9.30 a.m. in the UK).

When spelling a word aloud that has two double letters, most Britons will use the word double. For example, to spell canned, Britons will say “c-a-double n-e-d”. Most Americans, however, will pronounce each letter separately: “c-a-n-n-e-d”.

In Britain, the expression to wash up means “to wash the dishes”/ In the US this expression means “to wash face and/ or hands”.

The Brits and the Americans have a common language.

British English and American English are the same.

The Brits and the Americans are divided by their language.

In speech, the Brits sometimes specify the country in which well-known cities are located.

Americans have their teeth cleaned at the dentist’s.

The word café in American English can mean “tea shop”.

In Britain, the floor of a building level with the ground is known as the first floor.

Hours and minutes are divided by a comma in Britain.

In the US the expression to wash up means “to wash your body”.

You can be understood differently in Britain speaking American English.


Task 2. Translate these word combinations into Russian:


A well-paid job – _________________________________________

Widespread information – ___________________________________

To be in the wrong – _______________________________________

A trustworthy person – _____________________________________

To be severed from civilization – _____________________________

A sustainable virus – _______________________________________

To increase popularity – ____________________________________

Innovative technologies – ___________________________________

A literate pupil – __________________________________________

Professional growth – _________________________________

A challenging task – __________________________________

A confident man – ____________________________________

A creative girl – ______________________________________

A humble teacher – ___________________________________

An amazing flower – __________________________________


Task 3. Choose the right translation.


To be able to cope with stress a) Собираться вместе

To be ahead of time b) Быть чрезвычайно важным

A wide application c) Быть способным работать в условиях жёстких временных сроков

To apply for a job d) Быть посвящённым чему-то

To band together e) Обращаться по поводу приёма на работу

To be crucial for f) Быть способным справиться со стрессом

To be able to work to tight deadlines g) Зачисляться в колледж профессионального образования

To be dedicated to h) Опережать своё время

To enrol in a vocational college i) Задуматься

To fall to thinking g) Широкое применение


1 ___ 2___ 3___ 4___ 5___ 6___ 7___ 8___ 9___ 10___


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